a concise british alphabet

Monday, September 03, 2012

shiny spoons
early walks
nayan cat
and crystal meth drama

Monday, June 26, 2006


If anybody visits here wanting to nosey at pics - go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/hannius/ - it's what I'm using most now, as its (ssh) a wee bit easier to handle.. and looks nicer... see you there!! ;o)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Más imagenes para todos...

Hola, Buenas!..and welcome to true Fallas-season Valencia! These brightly lit, friendly serviced stalls that have sprung up on the streets of the city may appear lovely and harmless...but the truth is that the deep-friend spanish treats you simply can´t help but purchase shouldn´t be consumed every day, for fear of artery-related diseases... (so every-other day should be fine, then...?)

A homeless chair... a common sight... since Valencian´s don´t have their own equivalent of the ´wheely bin´, they all share large bins that are kept on every street. There also seems to be a lack of charity shops as a means of ridding of unwanted goods...the result being that near-to-perfect household objects are often found next to these bins, awaiting a new owner. One Saturday night we found a very decent looking chair, but as we lived a good few streets down, and felt we lacked the strength left in us to carry it home, we simply crossed the road with it and left it next to the tram stop...I like to look at it as an offer of rest for the next person awaiting a tram, rather than an act of erasmus-student hooliganism!!..Valencia, are we forgiven?

Lester and Emma sat having a beer - not just at any cervezeria - or bar - but the one that happens to be adjacent to the door to my flat(you can see the edge of the doorway to the left of lester)...dangerously handy, especially as, being a typical spanish bar, they have jar upon jar of olives on the barside...

All this talk of beer and olives will have people thinking I don´t go to school...so here´s an attempt at proving otherwise! In class the other day, our tutor came over all inspired by collage, surrealism, Max Ernst, and all...and after giving us a theory class on collage (which made me glad to be a foreign student studying pictures and not philosophy), he tipped loads of revistas - magazines, foreign newspapers, and paper onto the desk and told us to get cracking! It was like the workshop you´ve always wanted as an art student!

And on an unintentionally political note...Lester made me take a photo of this graffiti, when we were in the old town...I leave you with an elegantly painted super-bush! There´s loads of graffitied/painted walls in Carmen - the old town, some really interesting things aside from this garish bush!...I´ll try to capture some more for next time..

For now, best get back to work, come back soon!
besos, Han x x x

Thursday, March 02, 2006


OK, my first attempt at uploading images follows..brace yourselves!!
I´ve picked a random few..photos of people and more sights shall soon follow!

Wednesday, 1st March - The first day of the month of ´Fallas´ ... flags flying proud on the Calle de Correntes - a main road that passes my house..

The mercadona...provider of warm bread, 75 cent red wine, and large bags of haribo-like jellies in worryingly imaginative shapes!

A torre figure..one of many encountered along the way on our motorway journey to Madrid..

Now I´ve succeeded in clearing this first technological hurdle...I´ve got to run off to class! But since I´ve located the artschool computer rooms..a lot of geekified-computer devotion is bound to follow!
Love, han xx

Sunday, February 26, 2006


uno...dos...trés..................one..two...three................may the international banter commence?!